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Certain challenges such as budget and location are faced when planning a corporate event. It is crucial to sort out and organize all that needs to be done before planning any creative events. Choosing a corporate event planning company in Miami is the best way to solve such challenges. Said company will provide you with the best corporate event planner to ensure the success of your company event. Here are some important tips for you to consider before planning any event.

Set event goals and objectives

The goals and objectives for your events are essential to consider when planning a corporate event. What your event will be about and the objectives need to be figured out. The event will run smoothly with the help of a structured goal, whether the event is a team meeting, conference, or anything else.

Your audience’s expectations and wants need to be kept in mind as the key focus is the event’s attendance. To ensure that everyone is included in the event, it is helpful to make a list of what you want your attendees to get out of the event. Your goals and objectives will help guide you with the budget and how to schedule the day to ensure a successful outcome.

Establishing an event budget

The type of event you need to produce will determine the amount of money you require to plan and execute a corporate event. How much you need to spend should be determined early, and realistically there should be a 10% overage on the budget included in the plan. Unexpected expenses may pop up due to changes that were not planned for or expected; thus, having a cushion is always important.

One of the most essential things is knowing that all resources have been appropriately allocated within the budget. For example, substance may lack in your event if decorations retain a greater portion of the budget than speakers or a skilled tech crew. It all depends on the intended outcome for the corporate event.

When taking into account the attendance, it is essential to keep a record of people with dietary restrictions. This will help you budget for food and beverages to offer to your attendees without excluding anyone. It is crucial that all of these details have come into consideration with the budget as they can make a big difference to the overall experience.

The budget will help you from overspending on the event, therefore, there needs to be limitations. You will save a lot when allocating resources if you negotiate prices and minimize costs. This is one of the benefits of employing an event planning company for your corporate event.

Plan the event theme and format

You need to determine the event’s best format and topic or theme after defining the audience and setting the objectives and budget. A way to present the theme in the best format needs to be determined as it enhances the event’s success.

Some unique ideas for fun, entertainment and memorable moments need to be included for your attendees to enjoy the day.

Attending and monitoring event progress

It is important to make an approximation of the amount of attending guests when planning a corporate event. With that, you will have an easy time setting the event’s goals and objectives, budget and the type of equipment and services required. A guest list, along with your objectives, will help you understand the wants and expectations of attendees, thus creating the perfect environment for a successful corporate gathering.

It is imperative to keep track of the schedule, venue, budget, goals and all related factors in the planning and implementation process. In saying this, the event’s progress needs to be monitored to ensure all the goals and objectives are achieved.

Plan the event/s in stages (from the event planner’s perspective)

1. Research and work out the client’s needs and wants

We need to research the company that is hiring us to plan their corporate event so as to understand their expectations as much as possible. As a corporate event planner, you need to consult with your client on their needs and wants.

2. Planning and budgeting

The client’s budget needs to be considered when planning to ensure that you do not overspend. You need to plan the event to ensure it is within the budget when you outsource vendors, create vision boards, hire equipment and skilled techs etc. This will ensure that all the resources that lead to a successful event are well allocated and budgeted.

3. Confirm budget with client

As a corporate event planner, you need to consult with the client to determine whether the budget is suitable or needs some changes. This ensures that the client is satisfied with the event’s planning prior to making any big calls. This process may take a little back and forth, but is important in creating the perfect event for the right budget.

4. Lock in all vendors and create a payment and delivery schedule

The vendors need to be well-detailed on what is expected during the event. You need to agree on payment methods with the vendors to ensure that they provide quality services. A delivery schedule is also essential to ensure that each vendor is allocated their time.

5. Keep clients in the loop about everything going on

You need to ensure that you inform the client of the planning progress. This helps the client to be confident that the event will be successful. During the event, you need to ensure that the client is informed of what is happening to ensure a smooth event flow.

6. Confirm and reconfirm everything and problem solve if required

Confirm everything to ensure that there are no problems during the event. All the vendors need to be consulted multiple times prior to the event to adhere to the schedule. In case of a problem, we strive to resolve it as quickly as possible to ensure that nothing that was planned is left out.

7. Prepare and produce the day according to a strict schedule

A strict schedule of the day needs to be prepared and the vendors notified to ensure that the client’s time is not wasted. Strict time management needs to be allocated to each activity to ensure that the event runs as planned.

8. Manage staff

Responsibilities need to be allocated to each staff member to ensure that all the tasks are precisely carried out. Any outsourced staff need to be well notified of the activities and schedule of the day.

9. Have your client enjoy a unique and magical experience

Having everything well planned lets your client enjoy the magical and unique experience produced during the event. This is when the magic happens!
Find out more about how to have a successful corporate event or Let’s talk